ATP testing
Cold-chain operators are increasingly striving to improve the sustainability of their transportation systems. Key challenges include reducing energy use and improving climate conditions during transportation. Wageningen’s researchers have the expertise and a unique conditioned test facility in which they can optimise every type of conditioned transport of food or medicine. A variety of services are available for ATP tests.
Wageningen Food & Biobased Testing Services is accredited by “EN ISO/IED 17025 accredit testing laboratories”, with registration number L679 for tests within the scope of the accreditation as published on the RvA website.
- K-value test: determines the insulation value of transport equipment (single and multi-compartment tests).
- Effective refrigeration capacity test: determines the maximum capacity of the refrigeration unit in a single compartment application.
- Multi-compartment refrigeration capacity test: determines the maximum capacity of the refrigeration unit in a multi compartment application.
- Verification of effectiveness of equipment in service: measures the duration to pull down the cargo space temperature to application level.
More details of these test can be found in the ATP handbook on the UNECE-website. ( Once you’ve received a test report, you can apply for an ATP certificate from any qualifying institution in the EU.