LM1600-1000 Luminex PMMoV xMAP 1 - plex kit for the detection of PMMoV

€ 690.00
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Luminex PMMoV xMAP 1 - plex kit for the detection of PMMoV for 1000 reactions.

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José van Beckhoven

Manager Prime Diagnostics
Wageningen Plant Research


Luminex PMMoV xMAP 1 - plex kit for the detection of PMMoV for 1000 reactions.

What is xMAP Technology

Luminex xMAP technology is used for multiplex testing. Multiplexing is a method for high-volume testing—or testing multiple pathogens simultaneously within a single run—using a single sample volume. The Prime Diagnostics xMAP Technology is best-suited for testing 1–20 targets.

How does xMAP Technology work? 

xMAP Technology uses labeled microspheres or beads, allowing for the simultaneous capture of multiple pathogens from a single reaction. Because of their small size and low density, xMAP microsphere-based assays exhibit virtual solution-phase kinetics during the reaction. The beads are individually read using an xMAP instrument.

The xMAP beads pass through a red laser, or LED, which excites the internal dyes to distinguish the microsphere set. Then, a green laser or LED excites the fluorescent reporter dye to determine the result of the assay.

Key Advantages of xMAP Technology:

  • Test for more pathogens simultaneously.
  • Use a single sample to detect multiple pathogens.
  • Save time and reagents.
More Information
Acronym PMMoV
Assay Luminex
Pathogen family Virgoviridae
Genus Tobamovirus
Host Pepper
H/S-code 30021500
Number of assays/quantity 1000
Pathogen Pepper mild mottle virus
Product type Antibody
Quantity 1
Type Virus
Units Kit
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